According to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 97-19, any principal contractor, intermediate contractor, or subcontractor who shall sublet any contract for the performance of any work, shall be liable to the same extent as such subcontractor would be if s/he were subject to the provisions of the Article for the payment of compensation and other benefits, on account of the injury or death of any employee of such subcontractor due to an accident arising out of and in the course of the performance of the work covered by such subcontract. Any principal contractor, intermediate contractor, or subcontractor paying compensation or other benefits under the Article, may recover the amount so paid from any person, persons, or corporation who independently of such provision, would have been liable for the payment thereof. The principal or owner may insure any or all of his/her contractors and their employees in a blanket policy. When so insured, the contractor’s employees will be entitled to compensation benefits regardless of whether the relationship of employer and employee exists between the principal and the contractor.

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